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Softvoile Rubilnik

To easily switch between Rubilnik HTML-Editor and browser windows provides.


"Rubilnik to easily switch between HTML-Editor and browser windows allows."
If the sites PHP, Perl or another language for web development, you need to do every time you want to see the results of changes you can create using the following:
- By pressing Ctrl-S to save your changes.
- Press Alt-Tab to switch to the browser window. Probably will need to press Alt-Tab several times if several windows open. (And how often "you need?) Would miss the window.
- Then switch browsers, Ctrl-R or F5 or click on the toolbar "Refresh" button.

All this is time-consuming and even inappropriate, especially when you "switch to the browser window you need or forget to save before making changes miss. Rubilnik especially those Softvoile was developed to avoid difficulties permission.

It's easy to work with:

* Start the editor.
* Start the browser.
* Start Softvoile Rubilnik.
* Select the first window (editor) and the second window (browser), "Send Ctrl-S First Window and Ctrl-F5 the second" if necessary, select the check box.
* Click "ÐÐ". Rubilnik tray hides.
* That's all. At this time (for example, by clicking HotKey, F9), you need quickly and easily switch between windows. Moreover, the changes are saved and automatically refreshes the browser window.

Algorithms work:

* If the first window, a shortcut key stroke sends CTRL-S is active first window, activates the second window and sends Ctrl-F5 (optional).
* If the second window, a shortcut key stroke activates the first window is active.
* If the window the first window will be more active.

To press a single key Softvoile Rubilnik reduce the number of special keys provides. Just pressing a shortcut key, you, refresh your browser window and switch to save the changes. Just try and save time. Now you can download free Softvoile Rubilnik 1.31.

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